Tuesday, November 19, 2013

    Jack Torrance : A sympathetic character and great potential. Jack is a protagonist character. He’s also a demonic character, with his temper and his alcohol problem, along with the abuse he forced upon Danny and verbal upon Wendy. The Overlook brings out what was pushed back for months.
    Wendy Torrance: A heroic mother who suffers so much to save her child from her husband who has gone mad. Not only the physical part but the verbal abuse.
Danny Torrance: A smart and outgoing kid with the special gift of being able to “Shine”.Everybody who meets Danny knows he is intelligent and that there is something special about this kind hearted child. Also very forgiving with the three counts of abuse from his father and almost being killed by him in the end of the book. Danny and his father are foil characters.
Tony: The one who shows Danny all of his supernatural visions of what is to become. He sees Tony as a flesh and blood person but his parents only see Tony as an imaginary friend. Danny at the end sees Tony as a shadow.

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