Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Point of View
    The point of view in the book is usually the narrator's. Using a lot of “he, she, they” to describe what is going on.
-” He murdered his girls with a hatchet, his wife with a shotgun, and himself the same way.” (1.60)
-”He understood a great many things about his parents, and he knew that many times they didn't like his understandings and many other times refused to believe them. But someday they would have to believe.” (4.6)
The point of view is sometimes by Holloran or Tony.
-"You shine on, boy. Harder than anyone I ever met in my life, and I'm sixty years old this January" (11.7). Holloran
-"Your Daddy hit George to make him stop cutting the tires and George hit his head" (2.46). Tony

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